Programming Fundamentals: An Introduction to Pseudocode


Fundamentals of programming are crucial to starting your career as a software developer. A strong foundation in programming concepts will help you learn any programming language. This course will teach you the programming language fundamentals from the ground up. You will be taken through a carefully selected approach for absolute beginners toward learning programming fundamentals.

Instructor Bio:

Praveen is an experienced product designer and developer who has worked for 10 years at Honeywell and 7 years at Bosch. He specializes in building products on the .NET stack and cloud platforms. He has a patent and has presented two papers. Additionally, he has published 20+ Courses and 50+ Hands-On Labs on Kubernetes, Docker & Azure, teaching thousands of students on various cloud-native topics.

Topics Covered In This Course:

  • Getting started with programming fundamentals, including an introduction to Flowcharts and Pseudocodes.

  • Understanding Variables and their types include integer, float, boolean, string, etc.

  • Understanding Operators that includes Assignment (=), Mathematical (+, -, *,/), Comparison (>, <, ==, !=), and many more.

  • Understanding Conditional Statements that include If statements, If-Else statements, Nested If-Else, and Switch statements.

  • Understanding Loops and their various types and some tips for properly using them.

  • Understanding Functions along with knowing the importance of Function Signature.

  • Understanding Exceptions, their meaning, and how to use them correctly in your coding.

  • There are lots of downloadable resources, quizzes, assignments, and practice activities.

At The End Of This Course:

  • You will have a strong foundation in the fundamentals of programming languages and coding concepts.

Enroll now to get started.

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