Object Oriented Programming in C++


This course introduces students to the C++ programming language, covering essential concepts, such as Object Oriented Programming, Features of C++,  I/O Operations, Data Types, Variables-Static, Constants, Pointers, Type Conversions, Conditional and looping statements,  C++  features, Class and Objects, Abstraction and Encapsulation, Access Specifiers, Methods,  Constructors, types of constructors, destructor, Inheritance, Types, Single and Multiple Inheritance,  Multilevel Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance, Hybrid Inheritance,  Advanced Functions, Inline, Friend, Virtual, Pure Virtual function,  Abstract class, Exception handling. Prerequisites include a basic understanding of programming concepts, while familiarity with another programming language is helpful but not required.

Instructional Objectives

1. Describe the features of object-oriented programming using C++.

2. Understand object-oriented design methodologies for real-time application development. 3. Learn and understand Method overloading and operator overloading.

4. Conceptualize Inheritance and its types.

5. Understand and apply Inline, friend and virtual functions and create application development programs.

6. Understand and apply Templates, Exceptional handling and collections for real-time object- oriented programming applications.

Reference Books

1. Sourav Sahay, Object Oriented Programming with C++, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 2017 4. Robert Lafore, Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 4th ed., SAMS Publishing, 2008

2. Reema Thareja, Object Oriented Programming with C++, 1st ed., Oxford University Press, 2015

3. Sourav Sahay, Object Oriented Programming with C++, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 2017

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