Write Your Own Meal & Exercise Program


This online course is designed with two main groups of people in mind:

  • Those who are sick of not getting results they want through fad diets and exercise programs, and;

  • Health and Fitness Professionals who want to fine tune their programming skills to better their client's results

Learn how to:

  • Identify the 3 body types; Ectomorph, Endomorph and Mesomorph and understand how they are best suited to nutrition and exercise

  • Calculate your BMR (Base Metabolic Rate)

  • Calculate your daily calorie consumption based on your body type and goals

  • Understand the IIFYM (if it fits your macros) approach to meal programming

  • Understand how to convert your macro percentages into grams of food

  • Write your own meal plan that's guaranteed to work

  • Understand the different exercise methodologies and their benefits to your goals

  • Write your own exercise program that's guaranteed to work

This program also comes with:

  • Downloadable templates and resources

  • Tracking Workbook to track your goals and progress

  • Added mental fitness training to get both mentally and physically fit

Whether you are looking to lose weight, build muscle, or even a bit of both. This course is for you!

So what else are you waiting for? Enrol today and get everything you need to know about designing a well-rounded program that you can confidently know is going to work for your body type and goals!

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