How to nail weight loss once and for all [complete course]



My name is Oleg Zingilevskiy.

I’ve created this course to clarify things for those who want to improve their own body.

There I talk about every single aspect of effective weight loss and weight maintenance process. Once you complete this course, everything will be crystal clear.

I tried to cram into this course the very basics I learned during years of studies and practice using the format that is easy to follow even by those who know nothing about dietology and nutrition.

Let me guess:

  • You tried losing weight many times but always gained it back and occasionally with a few extra pounds.

  • You’ve followed the classic dieter’s pattern: “strict diet - slip-up - woke up with a burger in one hand and a box of donuts in the other - 10 extra pounds on the scale”.

  • You believe that “you just aren’t meant for this”: “slow metabolism”, “too late at my age”, “I have no will power”, family history, health issues, kids, work, always on the road.

  • You are confident that weight loss is about bland food, excruciating hunger pangs, extraordinary willpower and long hours in the gym.

  • You tried keto diet, veganism, raw food diet, healthy eating, clean eating, and a dozen other popular diets, cardio on empty stomach and magic powders from distributors, which made you lose your money, health and time instead of extra pounds.

You can do it differently:

  • Eat everything whenever you want (even before bed) and continue losing weight;

  • No bans on sweets, fatty and starchy foods and other small delights on the diet;

  • Plan your diet in such a way that it stays yummy, filling, enjoyable and socially acceptable (without food containers);

  • Effortlessly maintain results in the long run.

What you can expect from the course? There will be three main sections:


In this part I will:

  • cover the basics and clarify why we gain weight and how any diet works

  • explain how to set a realistic goal and which steps to take first in order to achieve it

  • tell you how to track the progress in a smart way and what to do if you get derailed


In this part I will:

  • go over 5 main concerns (aka irrational beliefs) of all dieters

  • teach you to curb appetite and arm you with three tools that will help you control hunger pangs and satiation on a diet

  • tell you how to build your meal plan that will ensure effective, yummy, satiating and healthy weight loss


In this part we'll talk about:

  • 5 main obstacles that any dieter comes across and how to overcome them

  • maintenance of results in the long run: what authors of weight loss marathons aren’t telling you

  • and how to maintain achieved results for many years to come (and even improve them)

After lectures you’ll receive bonus materials and short tasks that will help you take your first simple steps on the way to your dream body.

Feel free to complete homework, share your feedback and ask questions in the Q&A section on the same page with videos.

See you!

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