How to write better copy


Copywriting is salesmanship in print. Get it right and you’ve got a powerful tool that will bring people flocking to your business. Get it wrong and it doesn’t matter how good your product or service is, it’ll never sell as well as it deserves to.

In this course I’ll teach you the five key factors that make the difference between average copy and great copy. It will give you the tools – and the confidence – you need to transform your marketing materials and grow your sales.

In part one, we look at the importance of understanding your target market in writing great copy. In part two we look at the concept of features and benefits in writing copy that will appeal to your target market. In part three we consider how to plan your copy for best results. In part four we unlock the most famous copywriting formula and see how it works. And in the fifth and final part we discover the value of proofreading.

This course is perfect for business owners who love what they do but somehow can’t translate that to paper. It’s also ideal for marketing executives who have copywriting in their job description but get the jitters every time they open Word.

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