Write a 15 minute play


Starting with the selection of ideas you will go step by step through the processes involved in making a scaled down play for performance.

  • Determining what a short play is and isn't in terms of length and narrative scope. 

  • Using your imagination and experiences to make many suggestions about a plays that you might write so that you have choice and can base that choice on the best and most fruitful idea.

  • Learning how to examine ideas to find the story in them. Some ideas are brilliant but not yet fully formed in your mind with a start middle and end. some are ready to go. Having a few to choose from is a guarantee of coming up with a plot to work with.

  • Developing an idea into scenes which will then be further developed.

  • Looking at dialogue and trying some writing exercises to strengthen writing skills in this area. Plays rely on dialogue heavily. Your words need to be relevant and necessary. More is less where words and language are concerned.

  • When your play is finished, editing techniques can be considered as well as simple production ideas.

  • Creating a body of ideas suitable for future projects.

Your end result will be a piece of work you can produce for an audience viewing. It can be tailored to a specific group of people or topic or it can cover any dramatic genre that you choose.

A short play is a fantastic way of quickly getting your writing in front of people to entertain, inform and present your skills.

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