Creative Writing: How to Write Amazing Description


As writer of prose, screenplays, comic scripts, or plays, all you have to entice your reader into your world is words. Black print, white page. That's it. What you do with those words will make the difference between a satisfied reader (or agent, or editor) begging for more, or your work being tossed in the "Not for me" pile.

As a comic book writer, you need to convey images to your artist for interpretation. As a screenplay writer, you must show your actors, director, and producer the world your characters inhabit. (Need help with dialogue? Check out my Udemy course on How To Write Amazing Dialogue.) Or as a novelist, most of your narrative is description, so you want to create a mental movie for your reader that engages every sense. (Did you know there are more than five?)

Join Bram Stoker-Award Finalist and award-winning author Tom Leveen on this crash-course on how to improve your description using every available resource you bring to the story. You'll learn about senses you never knew you had, how to choose between "red" and "crimson" and why grass should never be green!

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