Speed Writing: A Successful Book or Article in 24 Hours


One of the latest courses from Dr. Matthew Checkley, author of two well-regarded texts in strategy, many peer-reviewed articles, top-rated instructor for cognitive skills, and awarding-winning presenter...

Do you want to quickly create strong and effective articles, reports, blogs, essays and books? Have you been frustrated in the past by how much time it takes to begin with a good idea, never mind creating a polished final draft? If so, this course is for you.

I struggled for many years to quickly develop strong techniques for Speed Writing. After much study, trial and error, I finally managed to craft a set of effective techniques. I have since written two e-books for Kindle and many peer-reviewed research articles. These methods will work for you too.

Within this course you will find:

- well-tested means to find attractive topics for your readership

- rapid ways to get strong ideas on paper and begin exploring possibilities

- effective ways to structure and craft the final piece of writing

- simple methods to refine a compelling style

- proven techniques for editing

- established means to keep improving your writing over time

The course contains simple, structured guidance. You can begin applying the ideas, tools and techniques within your first hour of study. There are structured exercises throughout. The focus is non-fiction writing, but the system can be easily adapted for fiction writing too.

You will be able to plan, draft and edit an entire book within 24 hours of effort.

Finally, there are several minutes of free preview material to help you to assess the suitability of this powerful course. That, coupled with Udemy's risk-free guarantee, should make your decision to buy now an easy one.

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