Literacy Boot Camp 1


English Language Literacy is a gateway to success.  You don't want to be the person who regularly makes mistakes in emails, conversations, or interviews.  There are certain habits you can form by going through this course.  It covers many of the basics that will make you a proficient and smooth writer and or speaker.

Perhaps you, or your son or daughter is struggling with long or difficult books in school? Maybe you are having a tough time getting through the reading. Do you know a college or high school student who is unprepared for the difficulty level of the things you need to read to succeed in class?

Literacy Boot Camp will fix all of that.

Here are the exercises you'll need in order to become more literate and capable with English. These are the things that your grandparents did. They hated it, but this work is what they did back in the days to become not only LITERATE, but CONFIDENT when it comes to reading and writing. It isn't always fun, but it's the 'bad tasting medicine' that works best.

I have included, FOR FREE, 3 of my ACT grammar lectures so you can see how this kind of instruction can help you not only understand English better, but USE it for high scores and success.

Get started today!

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