Fiction Crash Course - Writing Skills & Methods for Success!


Course Overview:

This is a fun and practical creative writing course designed to get YOU excited about creating your own works of fiction!

Writing techniques, literary devices, and specialized skills will be covered to help you discover, perfect, and share your own unique writer's voice.

While review quizzes over major concepts are provided along the way, the true measure of progress will be in the authentic writing projects that you will complete as you progress toward your goal of becoming a successful and confident writer!

The Course Includes:

  • 49 video lectures organized into 13 easy to understand lessons/subject areas

    • Each lesson is broken down into multiple video lectures that include:

      • A quick writing assignment aligned with the day's goals

      • A lesson covering an area of course content

      • A practical application project to get you using your new skill

  • 13 online review quizzes presented throughout the course

    • Quizzes are designed to reinforce the major concepts discussed in the class

  • 39 graphics, notes, templates, assignments, or outside resources to further your knowledge base

    • Supplemental materials are provided for every lesson

  • Over 3 1/2 hours of video lessons

Course Goals:

Through taking this course, you will develop and perfect your personal writer's voice as you learn about:

  • Types of characterization and character development exercises

  • The six basic types of plots

  • Basic elements of fiction such as theme, tone, setting and point of view

  • Literary devices and writing techniques you can start using today

  • The need for writing good description

  • The importance of writing satisfying endings

  • Advanced writing techniques such as the use of motif, irony, and ambiguity

  • How choosing the right word can mean everything

  • The function of fiction in life and it’s ability to reshape reality

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