Creative Writing: Art, Business, & Craft of Young Adult Lit


The Young Adult genre is a relative newcomer to fiction, and has certain requirements and expectations from readers, agents, and publishers. This course will help you make sure that the novel you're writing is in fact YA; how to prepare query letters to literary agents; a few things to never do; and great resources to help you on your way once you've finished the class.

Like its namesake, this genre is always in a state of flux, maturing and regressing on almost a daily basis. This course is fundamental for those writers who either think they should write YA because it's "hot," or those writers who want to write YA because they feel compelled to do so. Both camps will learn by the end of this course whether or not Young Adult fiction really is their niche.

YA is really about your Voice, and how authentic your words sound on the page. Another element of this course is helping you to understand what that authenticity sounds like. One thing is certain about YA over adult genres: If the reader thinks you are preaching or talking down to them, they'll throw that book away as hard and fast as possible. You can sometimes fool an adult; teens are almost impossible. So don't try! Learn how to write compelling fiction for that age range before trying to publish yourself or send your novel out to agents or editors.

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