Advanced Creative Writing 102


Welcome to Creative Writing 102

In this advanced course you will get an inside and more in depth look at the Creative Writing process. This course of Advanced Writing Techniques for your stories, essays, memoirs, autobiographies, movie scripts or books is designed to build on earlier writing concepts as well as introduce new ones. You will learn more about, expound on and revisit some of the original prerequisites, referred to here as Writing Ingredients. Think about it this way. Writing is like baking a cake. You need all the ingredients to bake your cake. Some writers for example may only have 1 or 2 ingredients. This course will help you to obtain all the ingredients needed to be successful at writing.

This course...

  • will help you increase and improve your writing.

  • will help you write more compelling prose.

  • will provide writing prompts.

  • will help you when you are stuck.

  • is a follow up to Creative Writing 101.

  • will help you gain critical thinking skills in your writing.

How does it work?

Within the various lectures presented here you will learn, explore, and gain more understanding of Character Development, Dialogue, Setting, Suspense, Conveying Emotions, Plot Structure, and Important Questions for every writer. This advanced course is designed to help you apply the concepts gleaned here to real life practical applications and situations in your writing. The prompts that are included within and at the end of each section were created to help you put these concepts into immediate practice. You may also want to compile and save the writings developed here to turn into an original work, article, book, etc. This course will challenge and help you grow as a writer.

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