Writing Short Fiction


Writing short fiction is about creating new realities and re-framing our own. In this 4-module class, writers will learn about how to write a strong opening, build a strong narrative plot, create vivid scenes that draw the reader in, and leave readers with a satisfying ending. The class will include an ongoing writing workshop and revision techniques, along with personalized feedback. It will conclude with information about how and where to submit work to agents, contests, and literary journals.

About the instructor:

Jen Knox has been teaching fiction for over a decade. She is the author of After the Gazebo (Rain Mountain Press), Resolutions (AUX Media) and The Glass City (Press Americana's Prize for Prose Winner). Her writing has been nominated for the Pen Faulkner, The Best of the Net, and a Pushcart. Stories have been featured in textbooks, classrooms, and both online and print publications around the world. Her fiction appears in The Best Small Fictions 2017 (Braddock Avenue Books), The Adirondack Review, Sivana East, Chicago Tribune's Printers Row, Chicago Quarterly Review, Cosmonauts Avenue, Crannog, Elephant Journal, Fairlight Books, Fiction Southeast, Juked, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, MJI News, Poor Claudia, The Saturday Evening Post, The Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly, NPR, Short Story America, and Sequestrum, among over a hundred other publications. Her nonfiction appears in Elephant Journal and Sivana East.

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