How to Write and Publish a Novel


This course teaches students all the skills needed to write, workshop, revise, and submit a novel for traditional publication. Whatever your skill level – beginner or experienced – you should be able to learn and apply these concepts and improve your novel writing skills.

During the year, you will:

  • learn about the basic elements of story: character, setting, plot, conflict, dialogue, and subplots.

  • use a variation of The Snowflake Method to develop story structure and a novel synopsis.

  • plan, outline, and draft a 50,000 word novel.

  • opt in to a virtual writers’ group to give and receive feedback on your writing.

  • complete at least one set of revisions on your novel.

  • become familiar with the publication process and the business aspect of writing.

  • prepare your manuscript to be submitted to literary agents.

  • plan a virtual or live launch party to share your work with your family and friends!

Bring to class:

1. All notes, creative work, and drafts.

2. Pens or pencils.

3. Journal.

4. Textbook

Assigned Work designed to help you complete your novel:

1. Complete the required reading and exercises in the course text WRITING FICTION FOR DUMMIES, by: Randy Ingermanson and Peter Economy (2010 edition) and the course workbook NaNoWriMo High School Novelist Workbook.

2. Complete the required homework assignments.

3. Write a 50K+ novel according to the schedule. Determine to put in the work. You can do this!

4. Consider joining a virtual critique group to give and receive feedback on your written work.

5. Journal at least 15 minutes and read at least 30 minutes in a “Twaddle-free” book five days each week.

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