Creative Writing - Plot Like A Pro - Write Your Novel


You have an idea for your novel but you don't know how to make this idea into an interesting story.

You like to work in a structured way, but up until now you believed that this way to work doesn't combine well with the creative process.

You already started several novels but you never finished them, as you lost your way throughout the writing process.

You usually only have short periods of time to work on your novel, and it's hard for you to get into the mood again and again.

I felt the same way!

Again and again I set off to write a novel, wrote 50, 100, 150 pages - and at some point just stopped writing. My characters didn't know what to do anymore, my story had no more meaning, and I had no idea how to connect all the bits and pieces of the story. Sometimes I hardly had any time to write, and when I finally set down to continue my novel I was surprised about what I had already written. I couldn't connect anymore - to my own story.

And I couldn't leave it that way.

So I developped a completely new system that allowed me to develop the story's plot step by step without constricting my creativity. And I finally managed to finalize my novels.

Everything I learnt about plotting I put into this online cours - Plot Like A Pro.

This course will show you ...

  • how to give meaning and theme to your novel and thus gain orientation for yourself and your readers.

  • how to create suspense by using conflict and turning points.

  • how to set up your own plot grid as preparation for writing your plot.

  • how to divide chapters into scenes - and what scenes you don't need. 

Plot Like a Pro will give you everything you need so that you will "only" have to write your novel afterwards.

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