Write Your Story & Memoir Book


Write Your Story & publish your book with this step-by-step course!

  • Do you have a story you feel called to share with the world?

  • Is it time to finally start writing but you don't know where to start?

  • Have you always had a dream to publish your own book?

Don't let overwhelm and confusion stop you from writing your story.  This course will take you from stuck to flowing with ease and confidence. You will learn the tools to help you start writing the book of your dreams. With my 12+ year experience as a writer and coach I share the same techniques and tricks that have helped me self-publish many books and continue to generate ideas for future books.

Inside this course you will learn:

  1. How to create a consistent writing practice + get unstuck

  2. Overcome writer's block + imposter syndrome

  3. Setting up the ideal environment to enhance your writing process

  4. Channeled visualizations to connect to your future book

  5. How to write your story using a book outline

  6. Tricks to jumpstart the writing process and get into your flow state

  7. Powerful writing exercises to connect to your story

  8. Meditations for creative flow and future visioning

  9. Resources to design your cover or get a cover for FREE

  10. Editing process + how to get a budget-friendly editor

  11. How to go from idea to book launch party

  12. Self-Publishing Resource List

  13. How to get your story out there with speaking, blogging + more

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