How to Write Non-fiction: Essays, web copy, and more


The course introduces and explores a 6-part writing process suitable for any type of non-fiction writing. This process breaks the complex and often intimidating task of writing into smaller, much more manageable pieces, giving would-be writers a solid framework to guide them while maintaining complete creative freedom.

By following the steps as they are outlined in the course you will learn how to generate ideas and select the best ones to use, how to outline your writing in a structure that makes sense, how to use that outline to effortlessly create a solid first draft, and how to revise that first draft into a polished piece of prose that expresses your thoughts as clearly and effectively as possible.

Modern life requires us to write far more than most of us are comfortable doing - between work and social media, writing is the main form of communication for many of us. This course will help make that aspect of your life as easy and enjoyable as it should be.


  • The two longer lessons, Outlining and First Draft are effectively a real-time writing session. The writing parts of them can be comfortably viewed at 2x speed, though, if you start to feel impatient. I didn't edit the video to be sped up by default because I didn't want to make that choice for you.

  • In this class, I use two pieces of free, open source software: Freeplane and LibreOffice. They can be easily found online, and I will provide a link to each in the course materials.

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