Screenplay Writing - Basic


This is an introductory course in writing for the screen  in which you will learn and develop your craft as a visual screenwriter. You will learn to draw on your experiences, observation and imagination to create compelling characters and stories for the screen.

The objective of this course is to learn a systematic approach to writing a screenplay from conception of the idea through the outlining process and onto a finished short script. The focus will be on learning how to break a story, develop an idea, create great characters, and mould your idea into a three act structure. Learn to also develop good writing habits while setting out to write.

The course will also give insights into writing great characters and dialogue. You will also get to know the screenwriter's role and responsibility.

There will be a fun quiz at the end of the course and an assignment to complete. At the end of this course you will apply your skills to writing an outline and then a screenplay for a short film or the first act of a feature film ( about 20 to 25 pages). The focus will be on creating original characters while developing a strong story and scene structure.

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