Writing for a Living: Survival Guide


This is not a course about how to write! It is, instead, a practical guide to the business side of things, covering everything from the mechanics of the publishing industry to copyright laws, how to deal with rejection, literary agents, self-publishing, promotion, writing queries and press releases and much more.

In short, this course covers the sort of things anyone planning to sell their writing should know.

Writing can be its own reward, a gift to the self that can last a lifetime. But earning a living as writer isn’t about art or bliss. It’s about commerce, which means either finding an audience willing to pay for your work or creating one. Art and its sibling "quality” have a place in that process, but they don’t necessarily control or dominate it.

Sound difficult? It is! If it also sounds fascinating, challenging, and enjoyable, and you’re looking for a nuts-and-bolts understanding of how to navigate the writing life, great. These 8 pithy lectures are for you.

Instructor Stefan Petrucha has written over twenty novels for major publishers, including Random House, Grand Central Publishing and Harper Collins, as well as hundreds of graphic novels for Marvel, Dark Horse, Topps Comics and more.

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