Mostly Painless Synopsis Writing Workshop


We all hate writing a synopsis. Okay, maybe there are a few people out there who love writing synopses, but for most of us, the idea of writing a two-page, five-page, or ten-page synopsis for our completed manuscript meets with the same amount of enthusiasm as flossing, ironing, and diaper-changing. We know it has to be done but this is the author adulting task we dread.

Best-selling author SG Redling, and RWA Mentor of the Year, Tobi Doyle created this self-paced course to guide you step-by-step to create a rough draft of your synopsis. With over 20 engaging short videos, they break down each part and include assignments to create your synopsis draft.

This course is intended for fiction novel writers who have completed their manuscript. Plotters may use this course to create an outline for their novel. The course materials include transcripts for each of the videos and a pdf of the synopsis for SG Redling’s The Widow File. The course is intended to be used and reused every time the participant needs to write a synopsis.

Finally, participants will be given an opportunity to join the Intensive Genre Workshop Discord synopsis group and meet other writers. This community is intended to help writers meet other writers to get feedback, revise, and polish their work.

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