Write an Original B2B Blog Post by Interviewing an Expert


If you want your B2B blog posts to rank high on Google, you must ensure that they are original. And for them to be original, you can’t rely only on Google for your subject matter. You must interview subject matter experts.

After all, thought leadership is all about having insights, original ideas, and novel ways of seeing your marketplace. You don’t get these original insights from Google. That’s where everyone else looks. You get original insights by interviewing subject-matter experts.

The secret to your success is picking the right subject-matter expert and conducting an awesome interview. When you pick the right expert, and when you get them to give you original insights, you end up writing an original blog post that Google, and your customers, love.

Hi, I’m Alan Sharpe, and welcome to my course on how to Write an Original B2B Blog Post by Interviewing an Expert. I designed this course for marketers, content writers and copywriters who need to write unique blog posts that rank well in search, drive traffic, and nurture leads throughout a sales pipeline.

In this course, you learn how to pick your expert, prepare for your interview, pick your format, write your opening, establish context, write the body, write your conclusion, write your call to action, and optimize your post for search.

Look over my shoulder as I start with a blank screen and write a B2B blog post from scratch, guiding you every step of the way. Learn the things you must do, the blunders you must avoid, and the best practices you must follow to make your original B2B blog post awesome, and effective.

I have been writing blog posts since blogging became a thing, some time around the year 2003. I have been interviewing subject matter experts and turning their answers into unique blog posts for two decades. In this course, I show you all that I’ve learned the hard way, along the way.

If you need to write original B2B blog posts that attract website visitors, engage your buyers and position you, your company or your client as a thought leader, check out the detailed course description below. Watch the free preview lessons. Read the reviews from my satisfied students. Then enroll now.

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