Write a Successful Query Letter


It does little good to write a book if you can't write an effective query letter. In this course you will learn to write query letters that will make the agents ask to read the manuscript. The main thing? You don't need to try so hard. You don't need to put the whole book into the query letter. Just a short summary. Just enough to make the agent want more. And this also applies for publishers who accept unagented manuscripts because you will have to submit a query letter as part of your submission package to them as well.

In this course you will learn what a query letter is as well as the key parts to writing a successful query letter, and why most agents would rather you stick with a template than try something out of the box. In short, you will learn all you need to write a great query letter: you need a completed novel, a short pitch for that novel, the ability to be friendly without being stalker-ish, and to come across as healthy and happy and a person agents would enjoy working with.

And best of all, I have even included a bonus lesson on helping you figure out who the right agent for is for you.

Please note, this course is geared towards those who write fiction, not nonfiction.

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