Write Powerful Headlines: The Complete (Crash) Course


Simply put: Your headline has the power to make or break your writing.

No matter how informed, witty, or compelling your writing is, if no one reads past your headline, you might as well just write blah blah blah blah.

This fast-paced one-hour course condenses all the information you need to craft headlines that grab readers and lure them into reading more – increasingly difficult in today's media-bombarded world.

This course will help you POWER up ANYthing with a headline –

• Ads

• Blogs

• White papers

• Articles

• Website copy

Taught by creative director and copywriter Boyd Blackwood, with over 30 years of writing for advertising, blogs, white papers, articles, videos, websites, and more. He curates and distills the best advice on all aspects of writing headlines he and other writers have discovered and tested over many years.

Here is what you'll learn:

– The challenge of writing headlines

– What a headline MUST do

– The second most important words: subheads

– The 8 proven Headline Best Practices

– "Magic words" that skyrocket readership and Search Engine Optimization

– How to pack potent keywords and emotional words into your headline

– 6 ways to test (and improve) the power of your heads and subheads

– Using handy headline templates to inspire your own ideas

– And more

All of that is packed into a fun 64 minutes.

Why waste any more time writing weakling headlines? Hit that ENROLL button now!

(Udemy offers a money-back guarantee on all courses, so no worries there.)

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