Write That Novel!


In this Udemy course, Write That Novel!, learn secrets to construct a solid story.  Understand how to structure it, incorporate theme, and liven up the plot and characters. Bonus: learn how to present stories effectively.

There’s no question, knowledge is power. And sometimes, the quickest way to your dream is actually easier than thought. But it's essential to have that information and learn well in the first place, to build a solid foundation instead of writing yourself  towards dead ends. You don't want to take months to write a first draft of a novel and discover it's riddled with inconsistencies, lack of vision, or plot holes. You want to do a good job the first time around.

Theme is an essential factor when writing out a story, and something beginning writers tend to overlook or tack on at the end. This course shows you where and how to use it to your advantage. With valuable insights and inside information, it stops writer's block in its tracks by giving you shortcuts to unlock your mind and creative vision. Be inspired on your journey and open yourself up to the stories all around you.

Invest in yourself, write out that story, and take action towards your goals. Become the main character of your life, and make your own dreams come true. Become a Story Plottr.

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