The Popcorn Principles


In this unique online course, novelist and filmmaker John Gaspard shares his "Popcorn Principles" - practical storytelling techniques adapted from the world of filmmaking that can elevate your novel writing skills.

Through concise video modules, you'll learn how to recognize and apply cinematic storytelling principles from popular and acclaimed movies across all phases - pre-production, production, post-production, and distribution. Despite the different media, novels and films significantly overlap in how they engage audiences through compelling narratives.

The course covers 6 core principles that will help you create stronger stories with sharper dialogue and deeper emotional resonance:

1) Stop Getting Ready and Just Do It - Overcome procrastination by adopting a "just start writing" mindset, like iconic filmmakers.

2) Read, Write, Repeat - Understand the paramount importance of reading extensively in your genre while continually writing.

3) Exploit the Unique - Tap into your unique life experiences and perspectives as fertile creative material.

4) Stay in Your Lane - Adhere to the conventions of your chosen genre from beginning to end.

5) You Gotta Be Committed - Fully embrace your genre without apology for maximum audience engagement.

6) Come In Late, Leave Early - Improve scenes by finding the perfect time to enter, and the ideal time to exit.

Through examples from famous films and filmmakers, writing exercises, and Gaspard's own storytelling insights from his careers in both media, you'll gain a powerful "cinematic lens" for elevating your novel writing process. Unlock new methods for novel writing inspired by the movies you love in The Popcorn Principles.

This course is designed for writers at any stage on their journey.

No special hardware or software is needed for this course. You will incorporate the tips you learn into your existing writing process.

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