90 Day Health Challenge


In "90 Day Health Challenge" you will be the one who will do the work in investing in YOU and YOUR health. It's your Journey and I will be your Cheerleader, Coach, Guide, and Educator to make sure you are motivated, educated, and empowered to not only complete 90 days but continue on after the Course is done. You will be given foundational and practical ideas in order to be prepared for your 90 Day Journey before you even begin. The course includes creating goals, motivation along the challenge, how to shift mindset from "dieting" to living a healthy and fit lifestyle, adding fitness to your routine, what type of fitness and how often is optimal for your health, what kind of food to focus on and what kinds of food to ditch and why, nutrition recommendations, and practical resources and tips along the way.  This course is for anyone who has been wanting to get serious about their health and would like basic education and motivation for the long run.  It is the ABCs to the beginning of living a healthy lifestyle.  When you're done with 90 days, you can go back to the beginning and repeat the course to solidify anything that you may need to review. 

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