Learn Graphic Design & Composition: A Foundation Course


The Design-Eye Foundation Course comprises 34 training videos totaling near 3.5 hours, fronted by American presenter, Janie McGrath. 

Fully referenced, the video chapters amalgamate the golden nuggets of information mirrored by 25 of the most popular design books and combine the gems with the experience of a seasoned video editor & graphic designer, utilising sensory rich language and exemplary visuals to aid deep learning and recall. 

The course would prove interesting to anyone keen to improve their design-eye, photography, illustration, video and artistic skills and will particularly be of use to those working with any of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects and Premiere. 

Creative Confidence...

Our section entitled “All You Need to Know About Composition” includes chapters on:

Balance, Organic Balance, Rule of Thirds, Camera Angles, Focal Point, Framing, Cropping-In, The Golden Ratio, Geometrical Composition, Leading the Eye, Line, Proportion, Radial Symmetry, Simplifying, Tone, White Space.

Our section entitled “All You Need to Know About Designing Images” includes chapters on:

Contrast, Bedding-In, Depth, Drama, Intersection, Gradient, Organic Design, Performance, Pattern, Texture, Repetition, Reflection, Shape, Simultaneity, Unity, Variation, Abstraction and Visual Communication.

Whilst we’ve gone to every effort to include many examples and illustrations, we strongly advise taking lots of notes and finding your own!

Above all, we hope you enjoy exploring our course!

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