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Learn The Programming Basics With No Coding!
You´ll Learn What you need to kickstart Your programming journey!..
- Jhonathan De Freitas
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Linux System Programming Techniques & Concepts
For Developers - Build Linux Programmable Libraries, Makefiles, Memory Management, Compilation & Linking, C Programming..
- Abhishek CSEPractica
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Functional & Reactive programming in Java : Modern Style
Java Programming MasterClass, Design Patterns,Data Structures,Lambda,Streams,Collectors,Collections,Optionals & RxJava..
- Basics Strong
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CUDA programming Masterclass with C++
Learn parallel programming on GPU's with CUDA from basic concepts to advance algorithm implementations...
- Kasun Liyanage
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C++ Programming Bootcamp
A Complete C++ Course Focused on Problem Solving that will Expand into All C++ Can Do..
- Derek Banas
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Functional Programming using C++
Write more robust and easier to maintain C++ code than ever before...
- Tobias Hermann
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Teach Your Kids to Code: Learn to Program Python at Any Age!
Short, colorful apps and games you can use to teach and learn programming at any age! Chromebook, PC, Mac and Linux!..
- Bryson Payne
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Python : Master Programming and Development with 15 Projects
Learn complete Python with Basics, Data Science, Data Visualisation, Desktop Graphical Applications and Machine Learning..
- Dev Nirwal
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Rust Programming Course: From Beginner to Expert 2.0
Learn the most loved programming language of programmers (with practical real life problems)..
- Nouman Azam
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Scientific Computing Masterclass: Parallel and Distributed
Parallel & Distributed Programming: OpenMP, CUDA, MPI & HPC cluster systems with Slurm and PBS, AWS HPC Parallel Cluster..
- Scientific Programme
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